Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ursa Dungeon

This map show the earning point of the ursa location:

Try check up.. it help alot in the ursa dungeon

Ursa Caverns is a newly added dungeon to Rappelz Epic 5 Part 2. It offers an entirely new type of dungeon mechanic that should prove to be a fun and exciting challenge for players of all levels.

At the top of every hour, users of similar levels will enter an instance of Ursa Caverns that is spawned appropriately for their level range. The level range breakdown is listed below:

Tier 1: [Level 1 - 34]
Tier 2: [Level 35 - 49]
Tier 3: [Level 50 - 64]
Tier 4: [Level 65 - 79]
Tier 5: [Level 80 - 94]
Tier 6: [Level 95 - 109]
Tier 7: [Level 110 - 124]
Tier 8: [Level 125 - 139]
Tier 9: [Level 140 - 154]
Tier 10: [Level 155 - 170]
Tier 11: [Level 170]

For every monster that is killed in the dungeon, users will earn Points. These points can be spent on new equipment that users can purchase from the Point NPC. So have a happy day hunting ursa.

Dungeon Siegn

Dungeon Sieges
Dungeon Sieges are a Guild vs. Guild PvP battle to take control of a dungeon. The objective is to control the Dungeon Stone. The current dungeon owners will defend the stone, the attacking team, who won the Time Attack, will attempt to destroy the stone.

The commands to create the parties for a siege are the same as the time attack commands. When it is time for the sieges an server wide announcement will take place. This is to remind players it is time to head to the dungeon.

The guild master must be present at the time of party creation, but does not need to be present at the actual siege.

The objective is to control the Dungeon Core. The attacking team must fight their way to the core, defeat the guardians, and click on the Core. It takes a while for the core to be destroyed after clicking on it, so the player who is attempting to destroy the core needs to be defended. There are no normal monsters inside of the dungeons. There are control points that are defended by guardians. Players capture the control points the same way they capture the core.

Winning Conditions
If you are the defending team (the guild that owns the Dungeon before the Dungeon Siege) you must destroy the attacking teams Dungeon Stone. Once destroyed, the Siege will be lifted and the defending team will win regardless of how much time is left.

If you are the attacking team you must hold the Dungeon Core. Once you gain control of the Dungeon Core both teams will reset and their roles will be shifted. It will now be the attacking team's turn to protect the Dungeon Core. All players will be reset to the appropriate entrance and the Dungeon Stone for the attacking team will be reset. Whoever owns the Core at the end will be the winners.

Key Points

The Siege team can be created as soon as the Raid Time Attack is won.
If the team was created prior to the Siege announcement the guild leader does not need to participate.
Guild Masters may invite players from other guilds as Party Leaders or members of the siege parties.
Use /screate NAME to create a Siege Team.
Use /sinvite_gp NAME to invite a member of your guild as a Siege Team Party Leader.
Use /sinvite_hp NAME to invite a member of another guild or a guildless player as a Siege Team Party Leader.
Each party leader uses /pinvite to invite members to their party.
The maximum number of players for the Siege is:

16 characters for Moonlight (2 parties of 8).
32 characters for Lost Mines (4 parties of 8).
48 characters for Crystal valley (6 parties of 8).
64 characters for Ruins of Palmir (8 parties of 8).

If a character dies they can revive at the start point for the Siege or at one of the control points.
Teams can take over control points by killing the guardians at each control point and then left clicking on the control point.
There can only be 1 winner.
The Attacking Team must gain and keep control of the Dungeon Core.
Once control of the Dungeon Core is shifted the teams swap sides and all players are reset to their appropriate starting points (the attacking teams Dungeon Stone is also reset to full power).
If the Defending Team destroys the Dungeon Stone at any time the Siege is lifted and the Attacking Team loses.
Members of a Siege Team may talk to the entire team by putting ' (apostrophe) in front of their messages.
Players will NOT lose lak, experience, drop items, or gain immorality points during the Dungeon Siege.

Dungeon Time
Ruins of Arid Moonlight 1 1 PM – 3 PM Saturday
Ruins of Arid Moonlight 2 1 PM – 3 PM Sunday
Lost Mines 1 2 PM – 4 PM Saturday
Lost Mines 2 2 PM – 4 PM Sunday
Crystal Valley 1 3 PM – 5 PM Saturday
Crystal Valley 2 3 PM – 5 PM Sunday
Palmir 1 4 PM – 6 PM Saturday
Palmir 2 4 PM – 6 PM Sunday

Dungeon Time Attack

Dungeon Raids (Time Attacks)
Dungeon Raids are a time attack against a dungeon. Guilds complete during the week to finish the dungeon in the fastest time. The winner can participate in a Dungeon Siege against the owner of the Dungeon during the weekend.

Dungeon Raids are only available Monday through Thursday. At the beginning of Friday morning Pacific Time, Time attacks will be closed. The Guild with the fastest time will be declared the winner.

Dungeon Raids occur in a private instance of the dungeon.

How to Apply
The guildmaster should seek out the Dungeon Stone outside of the Dungeon. A guildmaster can use the Dungeon Stone to apply for the Time Attack. Dungeons have level requirements. The Dungeon Stone will list the dungeon’s level. The guild leader must be within 20 levels of the stated dungeon level to apply.

Click on the Dungeon Stone to access it. Click on the Apply button to sign up for the Time Attack. To start the Time Attack the guild maser needs to create the siege party. The command is: /screate TEAMNAME. The command to invite additional party leaders is: /sinvite_gp PLAYERNAME. Each party leader then forms each party in the time attack just like any other party: /pinvite PLAYERNAME.

Key Points:

Guild Masters MUST be present during the Raid Time Attack.
Guild Masters need to be within 20 levels of the stated Dungeon Level (If Dungeon Level = 70; Guild Masters level must be at least 50 or higher).
Only members of the applied guild may participate in the Raid.
Use /screate NAME to create a Siege Team.
Use /sinvite_gp NAME to invite a member of your guild as a Siege Team Party Leader.
Each party leader uses /pinvite to invite members to their party.
The maximum number of players for the Raid is:

8 characters for Moonlight (1 party of 8).
16 characters for Lost Mines (2 parties of 8).
24 characters for Crystal Valley (3 parties of 8).
32 characters for Ruins of Palmir (4 parties of 8).

The timer starts as soon as the Guild Master enters the dungeon.

The timer ends as soon as both bosses are killed.

Bosses will drop items during the Raid Time Attack.

If a character dies they can revive at the start point for the Raid.

Users do not need to pay taxes during the Raid Time Attack.

There can only be 1 winner.

A guild may only sign up for 1 Dungeon per week.

A guild may apply for a Raid Time Attack 1 time a day.

Members of a Siege Team may talk to the entire team by putting ' (apostrophe) in front of their messages.

Players will NOT lose Lak, experience, drop items, or gain immorality points during the Dungeon Siege.


movement of:
Attacker guild
Code 1 :

Defender guild
Code 1 (counter attack)

Code 2(defence)

Code 3(check point):

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Christmas Dancing Show Video

Check this out. A nice Video of the Christmas Dancing Event.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Daily ShortCut Word

Class Related
SH = Shadow Hunter
Sin = Assassin
DM = Dark Magician
WL = Warlock
Sorc = Sorcerer
BS = Battle Summoner
HW = Holy Warrior
Bish = Bishop
SPS = Spirit Singer
Huna = Kahuna
Champ = Champion
BH = Battle Huna
SB = Soul Breeder
CM = Chaos Magician

Market and Items
WTS = Want to Sell
WTB = Want to Buy
WTT = Want to Trade
SS = Stamina Saver
Pot = Potion
Epro = E-Protect
1H = One-Handed (Refers to weaponry)
2H = Two-Handed (Refers to weaponry)
E. Orc (Or any other pet) = Empty Orc. Refers to the pet card.

Dungeon Related
DD = Damage Dealer
LFDP = Looking for Dungeon Party
M1 or M2 = Relic of Arid Moonlight (1) or (2)
LM1 or LM2 = Lost Mines (1) or (2)
CV1 or CV2 = Crystal Valley (1) or (2)
PP1 or PP2 = Shrine of Palmir Plateau (1) or (2)
ToA1 or ToA2 = Temple of Ancients (1) or (2)
Con1-5 = Controllers 1 through 5.
Rep = Replacement
TB = Town Break

AGI = Agility
INT = Intelligence
WIS = Wisdom
STR = Strength
DEX = Dexterity
VIT = Vitality
LUK = Luck
Def = Defense
PDef = Physical Defense
MDef = Magical Defense
Patk = Physical Attack
Matk = Magical Attack
ASPD = Attack Speed

BTW = By The Way
OMW = On My Way
BRT = Be Right There
Res = Resurrection

Rappelz map

Bother about where to find the place of monster that get from the quest?
Try this out

Bother about where to find Dungeon to party lving?
Try this out.

Dungeon Short Form:

M1 / M2 = Relic of Arid Moonlight
Monster lvl 30++
LM1 / LM2 = Lost Mines
Monster lvl 50++
CV1 / CV2 = Crystal Valley
Monster lvl 70++

Bother about the palce where to hit mission mob?
Try this out.

Type of monster drop card

Which monsters drop which pet cards?

~~~~Common (30+)~~~~~
- Skell Fighter 30-33, Lake Messy
- Bone Collector 33-35, Mourning Graveyard
- Skell Warrior 35-37, Dead Spirit's Altar
- Toxic Skell 40+, Wolha Cemetary

- Orc Leader 30-31, Harvesting Woods
- Wild Boar Orc 32+, Harvesting Woods
- Orc Berserker 35-38, eastside of Ivory Tower
- Orc Lord 75-79, westside "Coast" of Palmir Plateau

- Yeti Berk 35-37, Magical Experimental Field
- Yeti 34-36, Ivory Tower
- Thetaclawed 60-65, southside of Siren's Island
- Yeti Whisker 79+, northside of Palmir Plateau
- Yeti Prime 88+, Crystal Mountain

- Siren Child 41-50, Siren's Island
- Siren Queen ~110, Crystal Coast

Water Pixie
- Blue Fairy/Crystal 31-35, eastside of Laksy Anchor
- Petal Blue/Waterwing 50-55, eastside of Rondo
- Blue Pixie 50-56, westside of Pitch Black Woods
- Quartz/Crystal Pixie/Crusty 72-75 [++], Con 1+ of Crystal Valley

Fiery Pixie
- Firefly 43-45, eastside of Templar Headquarters
- Fire Wing 53-54, Fairy's Woods
- Will O' Wisp 61+, southside of Rondo
- Red Fairy Queen 73-75, westside of Ceriu Desert

~~~~Uncommon (50+)~~~~

- Hawkman 73-82, northside of Palmir Plateau

- Petit Salamander ~55, southside of Rondo
- Edkina ~60, westside of Ceriu Desert
- Doubleside Salamander ~70, center of Ceriu Desert
- Salamander King 75+, northside of Ceriu Desert
- Salamander ~120, Mare Village

~~~~Rare (70+)~~~~

- Angel 38-43 South Fairies Woods
- Angel 80+, northside of Palmir Plateau

- Celebes 79+, Needleleaf Forest

Rappelzmap pet location

This map show all the location of the monster. Hope this will make u all more easily to get or hunt a pet card. HAPPY HUNTING ^_^