Here is our strategy to win the dungeon.
But we not sure how other team to win it, coz got many way to get more then 3k point for the ursa event.
So far, most of our team can get till the maximum point of 6k.
So, here we share our experience to all rappelz player, Hope this post will have a little help on your adventure.
Condition to win:
1. Don't hit/kill 1 point ursa, try make it to the room/spot that got many 10 point ursa.
2. So far, try not hit the boss, it kindly waste of time (In our experience only).
3. Don't all party member are at same spot, try divide to small group, minimum try to separate into two party. 3 and 4 party also quite nice too.
4. Be patient, stay at 1 spot, wait the ursa spawn, and kill died them.
5. Don't re log,else you will be auto teliport to outside of the ursa dungeon.
Here are some suggestion spot that we alway use.

Spot A and Spot B-Are most many 10 point ursa spawn.
Spot C and Spot D-Quite ok with the spawn. 1 people should be able to handle it@@.
Try divide minimum 2 group,
1st group go to Spot A, BUT beware of the small ursa on the road to the Spot A. XD You don't want to be lag till died.:x
2st group try make it to Spot B, BUT beware of the ursa guard.@@ they deal more pain and also more out number then the ursa on the road to the Spot A.
Tip: u can reach the spot without need of killing the ursa on the way Either with assassin or without assassin skill. Try think bout it and discover it by yourself and the rest of your teammates. ^_^
Good luck on your all ursa dungeon adventure. And happy gaming.