Dungeon SiegesDungeon Sieges are a Guild vs. Guild PvP battle to take control of a dungeon. The objective is to control the Dungeon Stone. The current dungeon owners will defend the stone, the attacking team, who won the Time Attack, will attempt to destroy the stone.
The commands to create the parties for a siege are the same as the time attack commands. When it is time for the sieges an server wide announcement will take place. This is to remind players it is time to head to the dungeon.
The guild master must be present at the time of party creation, but does not need to be present at the actual siege.
ObjectiveThe objective is to control the Dungeon Core. The attacking team must fight their way to the core, defeat the guardians, and click on the Core. It takes a while for the core to be destroyed after clicking on it, so the player who is attempting to destroy the core needs to be defended. There are no normal monsters inside of the dungeons. There are control points that are defended by guardians. Players capture the control points the same way they capture the core.
Winning ConditionsIf you are the defending team (the guild that owns the Dungeon before the Dungeon Siege) you must destroy the attacking teams Dungeon Stone. Once destroyed, the Siege will be lifted and the defending team will win regardless of how much time is left.
If you are the attacking team you must hold the Dungeon Core. Once you gain control of the Dungeon Core both teams will reset and their roles will be shifted. It will now be the attacking team's turn to protect the Dungeon Core. All players will be reset to the appropriate entrance and the Dungeon Stone for the attacking team will be reset. Whoever owns the Core at the end will be the winners.
Key Points The Siege team can be created as soon as the Raid Time Attack is won.
If the team was created prior to the Siege announcement the guild leader does not need to participate.
Guild Masters may invite players from other guilds as Party Leaders or members of the siege parties.
Use /screate NAME to create a Siege Team.
Use /sinvite_gp NAME to invite a member of your guild as a Siege Team Party Leader.
Use /sinvite_hp NAME to invite a member of another guild or a guildless player as a Siege Team Party Leader.
Each party leader uses /pinvite to invite members to their party.
The maximum number of players for the Siege is:
16 characters for Moonlight (2 parties of 8).
32 characters for Lost Mines (4 parties of 8).
48 characters for Crystal valley (6 parties of 8).
64 characters for Ruins of Palmir (8 parties of 8).
If a character dies they can revive at the start point for the Siege or at one of the control points.
Teams can take over control points by killing the guardians at each control point and then left clicking on the control point.
There can only be 1 winner.
The Attacking Team must gain and keep control of the Dungeon Core.
Once control of the Dungeon Core is shifted the teams swap sides and all players are reset to their appropriate starting points (the attacking teams Dungeon Stone is also reset to full power).
If the Defending Team destroys the Dungeon Stone at any time the Siege is lifted and the Attacking Team loses.
Members of a Siege Team may talk to the entire team by putting ' (apostrophe) in front of their messages.
Players will NOT lose lak, experience, drop items, or gain immorality points during the Dungeon Siege.
Dungeon Time Ruins of Arid Moonlight 1 1 PM – 3 PM Saturday
Ruins of Arid Moonlight 2 1 PM – 3 PM Sunday
Lost Mines 1 2 PM – 4 PM Saturday
Lost Mines 2 2 PM – 4 PM Sunday
Crystal Valley 1 3 PM – 5 PM Saturday
Crystal Valley 2 3 PM – 5 PM Sunday
Palmir 1 4 PM – 6 PM Saturday
Palmir 2 4 PM – 6 PM Sunday